Thursday, February 6, 2014

New Beginnings and New Challenges

Why, hello there. Seeing as we've never met before I feel as though I should add a quick introduction to this post. Congratulations! You're reading my first ever post on this brand new book blog! It's incredibly exciting, I know, but please try and contain yourselves. My name's Ashley and I really, really enjoy reading. I mean, clearly. So, let's jump into the actual point of this post.

I'm generally not a very fast reader, nor have I been an insanely avid reader in the past. To be honest, that's sort of the logic behind my creating this blog. I'm on a ridiculous book kick and have been for the past week and a half. What I mean by that is that for the last week and a half I've been very enthusiastic about reading and I'm not even sure what brought it on. However, I decided to jump in head first and try to stick with it since falling in and out of love with the same three or four hobbies seems to be a trend for me. In order to stick with reading and keep myself motivated, I've decided to join THE 2014 BOOK CHALLENGE.

This is super exciting because I've never even participated in a book challenge before. Now, like I said, reading isn't something that I've always been obsessed with or do particularly fast. That's why I've set my goal low this year. As it's my first year, I've made my goal to read 20 books before 2015. I know that you're thinking. "ONLY 20 books?! What an outrage! That's easy!!" Maybe for you. But, reading is something I'm trying to get back into whereas tons of other bloggers (and vloggers) are seasoned pros. It's a little embarrassing to think that my 2014 goal is already close to completed by some people, but that's what this blog is for. Motivation, inspiration, and enthusiasm. Those are the things I want to fill this blog with. And, also books. Obviously books. Mostly books.

Actually, I've already finished two books this year! Granted, they were graphic novels, but I'm totally still counting it. In the future I intend to do a nice, big post about this particular series, but for right now I'll touch on it just for you. The Fables series is something I've really grown attached to over the last couple of months. I'm about to finish the fourth volume and move right onto the fifth. The graphic novels deal with fairy tale creatures, New York City and everything from murder to government takeovers (strictly speaking). It's something that's right up my alley. That post should be coming in the next week or two, so keep your eyes peeled!

Have you given yourself a 2014 Book Challenge? What's your reading goal? Let me know in the comments below! I'd simply love some feedback since this is my first blog post!

Also, if anyone knows how to get the GoodReads Reading Challenge widget onto my blog, I'd love it if you could help me out. I'm usually good with computers, but about this I'm beyond clueless and confused.

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. I live in a country where they don't respect reading novels at all.
    But I like reading stories and since I'm not a native speaker I started reading novels only these couple years.

    My favorite author is Mitch Albom!

    and because of this post I'm going to challenge myself to read as many novels or books in general as I can!

    Starting with 20 books a year is a good idea!

    Thank you Ashely (:

  2. So exciting!!! Congrats on making a book blog! I remember when I first started mine and you already seem like you know more about what you're doing than I did haha!! :)
    Looking forward to all of your posts! It's always so exciting to see someone starting a new blog! Hope it's an amazing experience for you!!


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