Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday Thoughts || Love Triangles

Hi! Ahhh! It's currently 11:30pm on a Thursday... and I'm writing Thursday Thoughts. I am so, so sorry about how late this is getting up. It's the first time I've legitimately spaced and forgotten about writing Thursday Thoughts. I think we should take this as a sign.. Clearly I've been struggling a bit with posting Thursday Thoughts and sticking to my schedule. We've done this meme for over 30 weeks now and if that's not an accomplishment, I don't know what is! That's roughly seven months, you guys! But, I think maybe it's time to take a small hiatus from Thursday Thoughts. Think of it as a sort of.. Summer vacation for this meme.. except not in the Summertime. In a little while, after time has ironed out my life and things calm down, we'll come back better than ever. I hope this is okay with all of you and that I won't be letting you down. I still do intend to be active on my blog and BookTube channel as much as possible, so don't worry about that. Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement with this series, though. My blog wouldn't be what it is today without Thursday Thoughts and you all make this meme what it is. So, again, thank you all so much.

I guess, without further ado, we should get into this week's Thursday Thoughts then. First of all, if you don't know, this is an original, interactive, weekly meme here on my blog. Everyone with an opinion is invited to make a post, link up and join the conversation. Gosh, I'll miss doing that little spiel for a while. This just got really sappy. This week's topic is a great one; love triangles!

I've noticed in my time as a blogger and vlogger that some people have very, super strong opinions on the topic of love triangles. I can definitely see why, but before joining this community the idea that it was such a big problem never quite occurred to me. Considering that I read almost exclusively Young Adult books, it's definitely a bit more prevalent. As far as I'm concerned, roughly 45% of YA books have a love triangle in them. Especially if they're Contemporary. Again, that's just my opinion, but I think it's pretty on the nose. Why is that? What is it about love triangles that makes them so "popular" among YA authors? And, what makes people dislike them so much?

To be honest, I'm typically not all that bothered by love triangles as long as they're realistic to a certain degree. I've not even noticed that many love triangles in books that I've actually read. I know there are a ton in pop-culture YA novels. The ones you hear a lot about. I read Twilight in 6th grade and hated it ever since... Sorry, not sorry. But, I'm going to venture out to say that that is an example of one of the most cliche, obvious, DUMB (I'm sorry, I'll calm down..) love triangles. It's just a little too.. yeah.. too much. I don't know, man. There's also The Hunger Games, that's a love triangle, right? I didn't read that series, but I'm pretty sure there's a love triangle. I've gone on a weird listing movies tangent and now I'm rambling.. Back on track, now.

Basically, I just think that Twilight being SO popular and so well known potentially mucked up love triangles for future YA books. That's not to say that all love triangles are as bad as Twilight, but there's definitely a bad connotation now. To be fair, I can't think of any good love triangles off the top of my head.. and maybe that's saying something. More or less, I think they CAN be done well, but it's difficult to reach that point. For that reason, I think maybe it would be safer and make more sense for authors-- specifically YA authors-- to try and stay away from that love triangle cliche unless they have the balls and the talent to go there. And that, my friends, is my opinion on the matter.

The fact that I'm about to wrap up the final Thursday Thoughts for quite some time not forever. let me make that perfectly clear! is actually really sad and sort of depressing. I promise I'll bring this back as soon as possible. It won't be more than a few months at the very most. In the meantime, subscribe to my Twitter (@okletsread) and follow this blog so you don't miss Thursday Thought's triumphant return. I can't wait to see you then. Make sure to link up in the linky below so you can share your opinion on love triangles and thank you for being here and sharing in my Thursday Thoughts fun. I appreciate all of you more than you even know. Don't forget to come back when we revamp this series! I'm already excited for it. And, with that.. I guess all I can say is; See ya then!


  1. Great topic this week. I'm not really a fan of love triangles, they just irritate me to be honest. I find it frustrating when a character spends most of their time worrying about or trying to choose between two other characters. And it's usually always a female character and two male characters. I can't think of any well done love triangles either.

  2. Aww I'm really sorry to see this meme go. I liked participating very much! I totally understand the burnout, however, so have a nice break :)
    If you ever decide to start it up again, do let us know!


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